"The turnaround in house prices presents an opportunity to implement policies to better insulate Dutch households and the overall economy from the effect of future house price declines and remove some of the incentives for excessive leverage—thereby reducing the likelihood and intensity of boom-bust cycles", according to the IMF's report on the Netherlands.
Moreover, the report notes that "House prices have started to recover. However, they remain well below peak levels. Prices have risen by more than 5 percent since the 2013 trough, but they are still 17 percent below their 2008 peak in 2015:Q3. More than a quarter of Dutch households have mortgage debt in excess of the house value, primarily among younger households. The recovery in housing prices is uneven. The market is buoyant in Amsterdam, where house prices are less than 4 percent below the 2008 peak, and to a lesser extent in other major cities. However, house price increases are more subdued in outlying areas."