In a special report on house prices on March 30th 2002, the Economist said that if there is one single factor that has saved the world economy from a deep recession it is the housing market. In contrast, during the Great Recession (December 2007 to June 2009), the housing market was cast as the villain of the piece. How has the housing market fared since the end of the Great Recession? An updated global index of house prices has shown a mild sign of an uptick. Both the equally-weighted index and GDP-weighted index measures of global house prices show signs of improvement in house prices (see Chart 1).
Chart 1. Global House Price Index
Chart 2. House Prices around the World
Chart 3 shows that in Canada, Belgium, Australia, United Kingdom and others, the house prices-to-income ratio and the house prices-to-rent ratio is still above historical averages. At the the other end, in Japan, United States, Germany, Greece and other countries, these rations are now below historical averages.